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Guide to Omagh High School

The House System


In Omagh High School there is a House system. There are three houses in total, Auchinleck, Crevenagh and Strule.  Each student is allocated a House when they start school. Each House is like a large family with students of all ages in each house. When a student has success in school they are rewarded with Achievement Points. These points are also awarded to their house.  Equally if a student loses points these are also deducted from the House total.  There are opportunities for individual rewards throughout the school year by participating in competitions, sporting activities, and other extra-curricular activities.  There is a House Cup and a reward for the House with the most points at the end of the school year.


The Staff


The Principal is Mr Gaitatzis and there are two Vice Principals, Mrs Gibson and Mrs Quigley. There are 25 other teachers as well as non-teaching staff such as, Clerical staff, Classroom assistants, Technicians, Building supervisors and Catering staff.  All these people fulfil important jobs and all their work is to help all students to achieve their best.


The Subjects


In year 8 students study 17 subjects that include:


  • Art & Design

  • Drama

  • English

  • French

  • Games

  • Geography

  • History

  • Home Economics (HE)

  • ICT

  • Learning for Life and Work

  • Citizenship

  • Employability

  • Personal Development

  • Literacy

  • Maths

  • Music

  • Physical Education (PE)

  • Religious Education (RE)

  • Science

  • Technology and Design (TD)


Extra-Curricular Activities


There are many extra-curricular activities to get involved in to help students to get the most out of school and also to make new friends. Some of the activities available are:


  • Paired reading

  • Chess club

  • Football

  • Scripture Union

  • School choir

  • Rugby

  • Homework club

  • Drama

  • Hockey

  • Guitar club

  • Netball

  • Duke of Edinburgh

  • Athletics

  • Craft class

  • Show jumping


Lockers and Personal Property


Every student is allocated a locker. It is very important to place all your personal belongings in the locker. No belongings can be left lying around the school.


Students should bring to school only what is needed for each day. Students should not bring personal property such as iPods etc. The school cannot be held responsible for them if they are lost.




Many students travel to school on bus. They then walk the short distance to school from the bus station. Students who are entitled to a bus pass should automatically receive an application form; this should be filled in without delay.  New students who are not transitioning from primary school can receive an application form from the school office.




Lunch time is from 1:00pm to 1:40 pm. Students may either:


  • Buy lunch in the school canteen OR

  • Bring a packed lunch which must be eaten in the canteen.

  • ​

Omagh High School operates a biometric recognition system in the canteen. Students place their dinner money into a machine in the foyer or in the canteen. When they come to pay for their lunch they simply scan their finger and the correct amount is deducted from their account. Students who are entitled to free school meals are automatically credited with £2.60 on to their account each day. Any money that is not spent does not carry over to the next day.


Starting the New Academic Year


The first school day for year 8 students is at the end of August. This is a half day and there are no other students in school on that day apart from prefects. This gives year 8 students time to become familiar with the new school building, their teachers and their timetable.


The first day is spent in the house teacher’s room. This time is spent with the rest of the house group where students will receive their timetable and get a tour of the school, get their locker, find out where their different classes are, learn about the school rules, see the canteen and be shown how to use the fingerprint recognition system. On this day students have the opportunity to ask any questions or raise any concerns they have.


What to Bring on the First Day


Students should make sure they have the following things:


  • School bag

  • Pencil case

  • Pens

  • Pencils

  • Ruler

  • Eraser

  • Pencil sharpener

  • Colouring pencils

  • USB drive (memory stick)

  • A scientific calculator


Note to Parents on Expenses


At Omagh High School we are very aware in the present circumstances that getting a child equipped to start post-primary schools is expensive. We endeavour to keep requests for money to an absolute minimum. However in the first week of term there will be some expenses.


School Fund – the school fund requested is £30 per pupil (or a maximum of £50 per family when there is more than one child attending the school. If you have more than one child attending the school, school fund for the family should be sent with the youngest child). This is much less than many other schools demand from their students. The system works well when all parents support the fund and contribute to it so we really encourage all parents to contribute to the fund and are very grateful for the contributions.


Art – Pupils will be required to buy an art folder from the Art department. This lasts for several years and is important for storing your child’s work. It costs £6.


Home Economics – the pupils really enjoy cooking in HE but the cost of the ingredients can be prohibitive. To enable the department to continue to provide a wide range of cooking experiences, the department requires £16 per student. This is excellent value for all the cooking throughout the year.


Technology and Design – £3 is required.


There will also be an opportunity to purchase a Mathematical Set including a scientific calculator for a total of £15.



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