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Prize Giving Day 2019

As always we are delighted to recognise the achievements of all our pupils academically, artistically and in the sporting field. A large variety of awards were presented during this year’s Prize Giving afternoon on 19 November 2019 ranging from academic and attendance excellence to awards for individual contributions towards school life. We are extremely proud of all our pupils who achieved awards for their hard work and dedication to school life and trust that this year our pupils will continue to excel both academically and socially during their time at Omagh High School.

Our guest speaker this year was Chief Inspector Dodd’s from PSNI Omagh who delivered an inspirational message encouraging everyone to do their best and to recognise that circumstances do not dictate our successes. If we work diligently and with determination, we can excel in whatever line of work we are passionate about.

It was an added bonus this year to have our former principal Mrs R Elkin with us to share in the year’s successes and to present the Elkin Cup for the first time to last year’s deputy Head Boy, William Warnock.

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