Prince's Trust
The Prince’s Trust department caters for pupils with varying degrees of educational, social and physical needs. The department is committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all pupils. We endeavor to make every effort to achieve maximum inclusion of all pupils whilst meeting pupils’ individual needs.
We offer The Prince’s Trust Personal Development and Employability Skills Diploma. This qualification holds a GCSE equivalency of 4 ‘B’ grade GCSEs. It is a nationally recognised qualification. Pupils complete 11 units of work over the two-year course. It is internally assessed and externally moderated. There are no exams.
Mrs L Lennox - BSc (Hons), P.G.C.E
Mr R. Clarke - BSc (Hons.) P.G.C.E
To provide pupils with enjoyable, productive and challenging learning experiences
To provide learning experiences which are accessible and achievable for all
To provide learning experiences which are relevant and which help pupils to develop an awareness of self and their particular capabilities
To develop a pupil’s capacity for self-evaluation as the basis for self-improvement in a range of skills
To foster a learning environment which welcomes discussion and debate between teacher and pupil, and pupil and pupil
To seek ever more inventive ways of recognising and rewarding good work
To seek ever more inventive ways of enhancing a pupil’s creativity by stimulating curiosity and imagination
To use ICT to enhance learning
To equip pupils with the skills needed for the world beyond school
To improve and maintain pupils’ attendance in Key Stage Four
To offer a supportive learning environment where pupils feel valued, safe and treasured
To build pupils awareness of local employers and resources for their use
To equip pupils with hands on skills that will aid them in their future working life
To provide equality of opportunity for all pupils
To develop language skills and to encourage neat and legible handwriting
To develop communication and interpersonal skills
To employ drama to explore pupils’ thoughts and feelings
To develop ICT skills, especially word-processing
To help pupils to develop skills required for their life outside school and beyond
To help pupils to feel comfortable in environments they know less well by introducing them a variety of environments outside Omagh High School
Prince’s Trust
Please watch the video to find out what Prince’s Trust entails.
The department strives to continuously build a bank of resources that allow high standards of teaching and learning to take place. Some resources are as follows:
2 computers with internet access
2 Black and white printers
3 Interactive whiteboards
2 digital cameras
Fold away tables
Soft chairs
Videos (teaching use)
Creative Stationary
Painting resources
Tea cups
Notice boards
General stationary
There are no written examinations. All assessment takes the form of internally assessed portfolios. These portfolios are internally moderated and externally assessed by relevant awarding bodies.
Careers linked with Prince’s Trust
The qualification is suited to pupil’s individual career interests as they can choose a variety of options at the South West College, Omagh. Pupils can progress onto further education courses at CAFRE also. Pupils can also return to school Post – 16 to study a tailored programme.