Digital Technology (ICT)
Ms A Smith – BSc (Hons), P.G.C.E., / Head of Department
Mr J Palmer – BSc (Hons), P.G.C.E., Subject Teacher
The ICT department aims to ensure that pupils at Omagh High School acquire the knowledge and skills they need for the emerging information society in which they live, work and learn and seeks to promote continuity, coherence and progression at all stages. We want our pupils to master the tools and technology needed for the digital world in which we live and equip them for their future.
Our ICT Facilities
Omagh High School has invested heavily over the past year in new IT infrastructure. The school currently has three fully equipped IT suites with state of the art computers.
The pupils have access to the facilities during lessons or during their free time when they need to complete homework.
There are ICT facilities in various areas of the school where the use of specific software is necessary. Those areas are Art, Music and Technology.
There is a significant number of ICT resources and printing facilities in the Sixth Form centre which pupils in Year 13 and 14 can access at any time.
GCSE Digital Technology
Please watch the video to find out what GCSE Digital Technology entails.
GCE Digital Technology
Please watch the video to find out what GCE Digital Technology and Cambridge Technical Extended Certificate in IT entails.