Dear Parents, Carers, Friends and Past Pupils of Omagh High School
The school opened its doors on the 4th September 1961 to 645 new pupils. Since September 2021 we have acknowledged this wonderful occasion and we will continue to do so for the remainder of the academic year.
The official opening of school took place on the 14th May 1962. To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the official opening of Omagh High School we are delighted to inform you that we have organised a special celebration event, with great food and live entertainment.
This important celebration event will take place on Saturday 14th May 2022 at Silverbirch Hotel, Omagh.
We are inviting ALL our past pupils from the first cohort back in 1961, to the most recent pupils that completed their Omagh High School studies in 2021, to join us and celebrate with us the 60 years of our school. This event is open to ALL and anyone can join us in our celebrations.
Thousands of pupils have attended Omagh High School over the 60 years. Some are now in their 70s and some in their 20s. This is going to be a unique opportunity for all our Alumni to come together and talk to each other about their time at school, meet their school friends and celebrate with us our Diamond Jubilee.
Please join us on the evening and pass the invitation to other past pupils you may know that have attended school and would be interested to join us for this event. There is a smart dress code for the event and the ticket price of £50 is heavily subsidised to give the opportunity to as many people to enjoy great food, live entertainment and a chat with school friends and teachers.
You can register your interest by emailing the school info@omaghhigh.omagh.ni.sch.uk or messaging our Facebook page.
We will be delighted to see you on the Saturday 14th May 2022 for our Diamond Jubilee celebrations.
To allow us the best organisation of this celebratory event, please purchase your tickers by communicating with the School office (028 82242656) before the 30th April 2022.
I look forward to meeting you and celebrating our 60th Anniversary on 14th May 2022.
My best wishes to all of you.
Yours faithfully
C Gaitatzis