On Wednesday 15th February 2023 the inaugural Omagh High School darts tournament was held, comprising of a number of Year 12 pupils, Sixth Form pupils, teachers, classroom assistants and even a blast from the past. There were some magnificent displays of darting prowess from chief organiser Jeremy M on the day as well as from Casey H and Ashiq V. Clara S played fabulously en route to the quarter final but it was Head Girl Sarah H who would take the highest placed female player, reaching the final where she was narrowly beaten by the returning Tyler D. Mr Thompson proved to be the pick of the Omagh High School staff, putting Mr Duffy, Mr Rennie and Mr Funnell to shame by reaching the quarter finals.
The tournament proved to be a resounding success – Casey H’s walk on being especially memorable, entering the stage to ‘Wannabe’ by the Spice Girls.
A huge thank you to all those who took part – particularly to Jeremy M who did a fantastic job in his organisation of the event, Alex E as compare for the tournament and to Mackenzie C for his role as DJ.

(Participants in this years inaugural darts tournament, 15-2-23).